
Google Assistant: New features unveiled

At this year’s South By Southwest (SXSW) conference in Austin, Google created a Google Assistant Fun House to display the many features of its AI assistant platform. Apart from the basic tasks it can perform on a smarthome, Google wanted to flaunt some of its unique uses, including a beer vending system and a sock […]

Government agency finds way to unlock iPhones

Cellebrite, an Israel-based vendor that works with the U.S. government, has revealed that they’ve found a way to unlock practically every iPhone available on the market. It appears to be a significant milestone for law enforcement and forensic specialists, yet it’s also a potential privacy issue for Apple customers. iPhone vulnerabilities leaked, is it true? […]

5 social media marketing tips

Nearly everyone uses social media. And whether you run a small- or medium-sized business (SMB) or multinational conglomerate, social media platforms are great for their broad audiences, low costs, and high returns. But without careful planning, marketing in these communities can do more harm than good. Here are five tips on how to use your […]

Google Drive improves comment feature

Google recently launched a new feature on Google Drive that will improve collaboration. Users can now use a combination of Microsoft Office and G Suite while working with their teammates and clients. This update allows them to conveniently comment on Office files, images, and PDFs in the ‘Preview’ pane of Drive. Learn how you can […]

Protect your Mac from security threats

Mac users follow certain steps to maintain privacy and protect company data. But if you’re too busy or short on resources, you might place security lower on your to-do list. Whatever your reason, the threat is real and you need to take steps to protect yourself. Check your Privacy Settings Begin by making sure that […]

Improve Business Productivity with Cortana

As an entrepreneur, you understand how essential time is. There is always a need to come up with new processes or search for new technology to keep your office organized. If you use Windows 10, you already have an underutilized tool right in front of you. To take advantage of Cortana, you should enable it […]

Google Introduces New Features for February

As the patience and attention span of web users decline, a minor flaw in a website can make or break a business. People want to be impressed the moment they load a website, and that rarely happens in the presence of annoying ads and videos. Google recognizes this, and has upgraded the Chrome browser accordingly. […]

Facebook makes space for more relevant posts

Social media has proven to be very influential in shaping people’s lives, affecting everything from one’s mental health to people’s views on certain political parties. To limit this, Facebook has made a decision to limit the posts from business accounts on your News Feed to make room for more meaningful posts shared by your friends […]

Useful business features in Apple’s iOS 11.3

A new iOS release usually means system performance updates, a redesigned interface, and some application enhancements. However, not all major updates are well-received, and such is the case with iOS 11, which came with a feature that drained battery life fast. Fortunately, Apple is offering a remedy along with other features in the upcoming iOS […]

Fighting ransomware with virtualization

Ransomware takes your data hostage and demands a payment for its recovery. While it may seem like there’s no other choice but to pay the ransom, you should never give in to the hacker’s demands. Before the next wave of ransomware comes around, it’s important to protect your business with virtual disaster recovery solutions. Virtual […]